The TGTSDA has built up a library of publications in the past years to regulate and explain all areas of the association and Tang Soo Do as well Qi Gong and Hap Ki Do.
Already available for our members in several languages on Chung Shin, our management software:
- Beginner’s Booklet (English, French, German, Spanish, Croatian, Bahasa, Portuguese)
- Samurang Kids Booklet (English)
- Gup Manual (English, German)
- Dan Manual (English)
- Master’s Manual (English)
- Instructor’s Manual (English)
- Championship Manual (English)
- Qi Gong Manual I & II (English)
- 200 One Steps Manual (English)
- Questionnaire for Gradings for 9th Gup to Cho Dan Bo (English)
The following publications are scheduled:
- Hapkido Manual (end of 2024)
All illustrated booklets are supplemented with educational videos.