If you do not train, you will not improve!
Kees Mommers
Country Representative Kees Mommers
Short History and Thoughts
Tang Soo Do was introduced in The Netherlands in 1979. From that time there has been a steady growth in the number of participants and dojangs have appeared in all parts of the Netherlands. Those dojangs are affiliated with multiple other unions, all promoting Tang Soo Do. When you start with Tang Soo Do, of course you are looking for a dojang in your area. It is only later, when you have arrived at a higher level after years of training, and also when you become a dojang owner, that one realises the importance of the support of a strong association. Questions that then play a role are: Do I get the right support? Does the association work according to your expectations? Are things working according to the rules of the game?
Studios and Head Instructors
- Cho-Hwa Lloyd Partosoebroto (Sah Dan Master)