The TGTSDA welcomes members from any other martial arts organisation. Our interactions with others and respect for each other is a large part of our philosophy.

Master Klaus Togemann and
Master Andrew Ewing

We look forward to welcoming you soon to the martial arts family of the Traditional Global Tang Soo Do Association!

Here you can find a contact form:

  • if you are interested in a studio membership

You can also download the following forms:

  • Application Form for New Members
  • Application for Gup Rank Acknowledgement
  • Application for Dan Rank Acknowledgement

Please scroll down!

Studio Owner

We are happy that you would like to get in touch with the TGTSDA and consider becoming
a member of the TGTSDA. In order to evaluate your request we kindly ask you to fill out the following form

    Student Membership

    If you are a student in a TGTSDA registered studio your head instructor will register you at his studio and at the TGTSDA. However, you can print out and fill in the Application Form for New Members and hand it to your instructor to support him/her with the registration.

    Acknowledgement for Gup and Dan ranks from other associations

    If you hold a Black Belt in another organisation the head instructor of your TGTSDA studio will evaluate your behaviour, spirit and techniques and recommends to acknowledge the your rank. We kindly ask the head instructor to evaluate the student and to print out and fill in either the Gup Form or Dan Form and submit it to the TGTSDA.

    Please note that all forms will soon be available as online versions.